Thursday 25 September 2014

newbie just arrived!!

It has taken me some thinking and lists and time management but finally here I am and as happy as can be.
I will first introduce myself and tell you a little bit of why I'm here and what we will be working on together as you follow me :)
I'm Rocio Dos Santos Arenas.....woooow so many words there hahaha I'm originally Spanish but was born in Brasil hence the last name Dos Santos and as in Spanish tradition we get to keep both mom's and dad's last name as an introductory name as well as printed on all our ID's so the second last name Arenas is my mom's.
I lived in Spain since I was 3 years old and moved to Dubai in 2009 where I have been living until now.
I am becoming a certified health coach and wellness expert and wish to squeeze out all my knowledge and passion to all of you in becoming healthier people.

My enlightenment into this path of studying wellness and nutrition and having yoga as a major part of my life began as early as I had spent a whole year in the UAE drinking and over eating day after day....It reminded me of times back when I was a teenager when food was just some nice "feel good" "petrol for the body" "don't care what it does to me"  kind of thing. I gained 7 kg's, was at my worse state of physical and emotional health and I knew something had to be done!
Slowly I introduced myself in the amazing world of wellness and how to heal your body with nutrition itself, how to listen to what your body needs and how to understand it.

If you choose to follow me there will be exciting healthy recipes every week, tips on how to do your groceries in a healthier manner, how to better snack when being always on the go and how to manage a crazy lifestyle on the outside but a healthy you on the inside.

I am a flight attendant, have been for the past 8 years and counting, I manage to stay healthy despite my "crazy life " and would love to share my experience with all of you! :)

By Rocio Arenas

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